They make an old set modern -a modern set perject. _ To,he Publishers, "Radio for the Million," 63, Lincolns Inn Fields, London, W.C.2 Please send me Simp:ified Plan of Assembly of the new Mullard Master 3* and Free copy of " RADIO FOR. Send coupon now and a copy will be sent you absolutely free.

Every listener should read "Radio for the Million "- the listeners quarterly magazine. Learn more about this wonderful receiver-post the coupon now. And, by building it yourself, you obtain a receiver of the highest efficiency at the lowest possible cost. You can build this wonderful receiver yourself though you know nothing whatever about radio you can build the Mullard Master 3* with complete success. A still further advantage-there is no coil changing! A simple push-pull switch changes from lower to upper wavelength range, and gives equal efficiency on both! BUILD THE NEW MULLARD MASTER 3*. And yet its operation is of the simplest -one dial tuning! Simply revolve one dial and station after station is tuned in turn the other dial to increase volume and selectivity. Its selectivity is of the highest consistent with purity of reproduction. It gives an amazing choice of the Worlds' best radio programmes at full loud -speaker volume. It is the most powerful three -valve receiver ever designed. It fulfils every condition for popularity. 2 THE WIRELESS CONSTRUCTOR December, 1928 The wonderful new Mullard Master 3* is proving itself Britain's favourite receiver.