If, for some reason, your distro installation system doesn’t find dvd::rip, you can find downloads in various formats here. Tell it to install, and in a jiffy dvd::rip will be downloaded and installed, stupid double-colons and all (depending on how fast your internet connection is and how long you consider a jiffy to be). But the Ubuntu Software Centre will find it easily enough, or the package manager of whatever Linux distro you’ve installed. It’s a stupid name because those dumb double-colons stop you from installing the program via the command line (ie sudo apt-get install application-x). My personal choice is dvd::rip, despite its stupid name. Okay, so you have Linux (Ubuntu! Ubuntu! Choose Ubuntu!) installed. Ubuntu is my favourite (also my first, so I may be biased) but there are lots of other distros to try. And if that doesn’t work out for ya, get yerself a Linux OS. Tenacity is a great quality for a pirate, hacker, oil-field surveyer, just about anyone to have. Now for the bad news (so far as most of you are concerned – it’s a Linux program!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Linux FTW!! If you want to learn how to rip DVDs with Windows or Mac, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Luckily for you, I (the King of stealing shit) found the dvd::rip download page. I mean, what’s up with the double-colons? They’re invisible to Google as far as I can make out. And the children! Won’t somebody please think of the children? I like using dvd::rip despite its stupid name.

Think of the poor movie stars, the directors, the multi-millionaire producers.

Don’t copy DVDs! Not only is it illegal, it’s not a victimless crime.